Merge multiple excel files online


Managing multiple Excel files can be tedious, but there are several ways to merge XLSX files efficiently, you can use this tool to merge multiple XLSX files into one effortlessly.

If you need to merge multiple worksheets into one in Excel or whether you need to merge data from multiple sheets, this online solution offers a quick and hassle-free way to merge XLSX files online seamlessly.

Important Instructions: How to use this tool and how does this work?

• Select your multiple files just clicking “Choose Files” button and then click “Upload files” button, after few seconds download button will be visible to download your compiled file as Excel or CSV, to select multiple files (Press Shift + Click).

• If you have multiple sheets in a workbook, this tool run for each sheet and collect the data and merge in a single workbook.

• If have multiples files and each workbook has multiple sheets, this tool run for each sheet of each workbook and merge the data in a single file.

• Column header names of each sheet of each workbook must be same for smooth data merge.